Privacy, Security & Communications


Payment Information does not handle or store your payment information, and has no ability to do so. Your payments are securely processed by Shopify Payments, a well-known and trusted payment provider.

Login Information

If you setup an account, has no ability to view or share your login information and will never do so.

Personal Information

It is important to us that you trust us with your information, and we take it seriously. abides by applicable US laws with regards to your personal information provided to fulfill orders, sign up for newsletters, etc.

Some third-party tools we use to communicate with you and analyze data may require us to store your contact or other non-financial information within those tools (for example, Mailchimp & Google Analytics).

We do not share information with or sell information to 3rd parties for their own marketing purposes. We will never provide personal information to other parties to contact you directly unless you specifically opt in to allow it or we are legally required or compelled to do so.


We don't send marketing and newsletters often - at most, once or twice a week.

We will only send you marketing emails and newsletters if you have opted in via These communications will always contain easy opt-out features.

Order and system-related emails, in general, cannot be opted out of, simply because we have to be able to communicate certain information to you to fulfill your order and provide our high level of service.

If you are ever unhappy with the type or frequency of communications you receive from us, and don't know how to change it, email us at and we will take a look.

If you would like to close an account you've created with us and have your account data deleted, please email us at and we will take care of that for you.